Brokenhearted in Bakersfield
90 - JUST ANOTHER DAY IN BAKERSFIELD I must have made it to the couch sometime during the night, because the next thing I know Maggie’s kicking me and shouting, “Hey, wake up, look at this.” Through bleary eyes I could make out this annoying happy face shouting into my hangover from the new TV. “Good morning, Bakersfield! This is another weekday edition of ‘Good Morning, Bakersfield!’ with your hosts, Russ Trade and Winney Fisher! Now heeeeeere they are, Bakersfield’s favorite unmarried quipsters, Ruuussssss and Winnnnnney!” “Good morning, Bakersfield. I’m your host, Russ Trade.” “And I’m his grip on reality, Winney Fisher.” “This morning a dream of mine is coming true. Winney is bungee-jumping from a hot air balloon with some Bakersfield naturists.” “Gee, Russ, that makes me wonder…you must be tired from hot air-blowing your comb-over, huh?” “Right, Winney. But first, we have a special report from the Sheriff’s Department in b...