Brokenhearted in Bakersfield



About twenty years ago a newly arrived immigrant named Papa Pronto showed up in Bakersfield with a pickup truck, a pretty wife and a passel of kids.  He had a lot of cash, so people understood not to ask too many questions.

Papa Pronto offered Jake Farque a large sum of money for a 99-year lease on Bottomless Gorge, which was nothing but a big hole in the ground about a mile down the road from Broken Heart Park.  (Due to mysterious bad luck Jake disappeared before he ever collected his first payment.)

Papa promptly set himself up in a business collecting garbage which he then dumped over the edge of Bottomless Gorge.  It was common knowledge people had been throwing crap down Bottomless Gorge for years, so it was considered a grand luxury to have someone come pick up your crap for you.

Papa’s waste extraction and removal business grew into an unregulated empire.  Let’s say you had yourself an old metal trunk stuffed with unwanted meat products that you had padlocked and taped up real good.  You could arrange for Papa to come over, even under the cover of darkness, and for a modest fee he would discretely remove that offending trunk from your premises.  Why, he’d even hose the blood off your driveway.  With a nose for business like that it wasn’t no time at all before his pickup was replaced by a genuine garbage truck, and then the garbage truck turned into a bunch of garbage trucks, and then the garbage trucks turned into a fleet of garbage trucks to handle all the pent-up demand.  There was even talk about some Prontos from New Jersey joining in the family business.

After nearly twenty years of successful dumping, it became apparent that Bottomless Gorge had been misnamed.  The big hole in the ground was now plugged with unwanted waste products.  So, ever the admirable entrepreneur and resourceful businessman, Papa did what he had to do.  He and his sons rolled a layer of turf over the landfill and put up a billboard announcing a new property site available for commercial real estate development.  While their business gamble was playing out, Papa Pronto also decided to reapply his energies in the backyard of the family’s bungalow by starting The Recycling King.  This was a place of business where the many fine citizens of Bakersfield could pick up a little extra cash for turning in their recyclables.  (There was once a rumor circulating that Papa Pronto and his sons would even hijack beer trucks just for the aluminum cans.  Well now, I’ve spent more than a few nights roaming the back roads looking for pools of discarded beer until finally admitting it was only an urban legend.)

The Recycling King’s business operations kept the Prontos afloat financially while Papa attempted to sell his lease on the former Bottomless Gorge.  It appeared the Pronto family was going to achieve a whole new level of success in their rags-to-greater-riches story.  That is, until the law showed up pounding on the doors.  Unbeknownst to Papa, his youngest son had started a side business after noticing how many fine old trunks was given up for scrap, and how Papa was discarding these possibly valuable commodities by burying them far out in the desert.  Papa’s son got the idea of going out into the desert and digging up a few dozen of these old metal trunks and passing them off as antiques.  Unfortunately, it never occurred to him to empty out any of the spoiled contents before he tried to pass one off as a collectible to an undercover cop posing as a scout for the TV show “Grifter’s Garage Sale.”

As a result of this oversight, Papa Pronto and his sons disappeared from Bakersfield so quick the local authorities was unable to make further inquiries into their recycling enterprise.  Scattered to the winds, Papa and his sons left Mama behind to run The Recycling King.  Mama Pronto turned out to have a nose for trash, just like Papa, and today she’s one of the most successful and respected businesswomen in all of Kern County.

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Brokenhearted in Bakersfield

Brokenhearted in Bakersfield