Brokenhearted in Bakersfield


19 - PLAN “B”

So what if I couldn’t unload my goods on those punks?  Let ‘em get sores and drips and long slow death, I don’t care.  I figured my next best bet was to take my Bursting Prides back to where they come from in the first place, over to PayMe’s Food & Drug where Edna first lifted ‘em.

Radiating extreme cool, I circled ‘round back at PayMe’s loading dock.  Sitting out on the edge of the big warehouse door I found another couple of goobers, only these kids was wearing smocks and sharing a cigarette.

Cautiously I approached.  “Hey, you dudes need some rubbers?”

They both startled at the sound of my voice.  The taller skinny one scowled, “What the…?  Hey, what the fuck do you think you’re doing sneaking up on us like that?  And just where’d you get those?”  He snatched at my boxes.

“Come on, man,” I was trying to keep my cool.  “Twenty bucks for a case of two hundred?  Come on, man.”

The short, slicked-back one said, “Two bucks, tops.”  He was undeniably getting brazen.  “And maybe we don’t call the cops to ask where you got ‘em.”

The taller one smacked the shorter one in the shoulder, “Duuuuuude!”

The short, slick-haired one flipped his hand, “Hey, for a buck apiece we sell half to the losers at the club.  And with the other half, we screw the manager’s inventory for the next two weeks.  Come on, two bucks, man.  We get to watch him go rogue.  Do it, man.”

The tall one’s lips curled.  “Yeah, I like it.  Okay, here you go,” turning to me he pressed some coins into my hand.  “There’s your two bucks.  Now beat it.”

“Before I go,” I released my grip on the Bursting Prides and dangled a zip-locked bag of wonder before their eyes, “could I interest you in a future in the hemp business?”

Their glowering eyes implied our business dealings was more or less concluded, so I just shrugged and took my cash and went around to the front of PayMe’s.  With my profits I could afford a frosty six-pack.

Two bucks?  Twenty bucks?  Regret becomes a waste of time.  And wasting time is something I got down to an art form.

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Brokenhearted in Bakersfield

Brokenhearted in Bakersfield